Dieta 90-30-50, come dimagrire 7 chili prima di Natale: i cibi da evitare (e viceversa), i consigli dell'esperta

Venerdì 1 Dicembre 2023, 14:07 - Ultimo aggiornamento: 18:33 | 2 Minuti di Lettura
Dieta 90-30-50, come dimagrire 7 chili prima di Natale: i cibi da evitare (e viceversa), i consigli dell'esperta

Si avvicinano le feste e se per molti si tratta del periodo giusto per accantonare brevemente piani alimentari e diete e dedicarsi alle abbuffate in famiglia, c'è chi vede già lo spettro di Capodanno dietro l'angolo e ha paura di non sentirsi a proprio agio in quell'abito comprato proprio per l'occasione. Oltre a ricordare che il nero sfina, si può seguire il consiglio di una dietista certificata e registrata che propone il metodo 90-30-50, quello con cui è riuscita a perdere quasi 7kg in due mesi. Vediamo di cosa si tratta e come funziona.

@dietitianwithtwins No plan after Thanksgiving, no problem! I’ve done the work for you so you won’t have to make one single decision about what to eat until the *New Year*! With my 90-30-50 method, I have been able to lose 15 pounds in 2 months & keep it off for over a year now! My meal plans have helped me stay so much more organized throughout the week so I can consistently reach my goals. Here is the full breakdown of the 90-30-50 method 👇🏻 ✅ 90 grams of protein *minimum* per day ✅ 30 grams of fiber daily ✅ 50 grams healthy fats daily Annnnd today the Black Friday deals have started at Balanced Roots Academy! Here’s what’s included in the deals: ✨ Fall Reset Program (FULL PROGRAM includes meal plans, supplement recommendations, downloadable resources, videos & more to guide you through the program) is 30% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Fall Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Winter Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources; access to plans begins on 12/4) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Cooking with Courtney (60-minute virtual cooking class; held on 12/3) is 10% off! Includes three healthy recipes to help you stick to your goals throughout the holiday season! Use code BF2023 at checkout to save on plans, programs & classes! DM me *MORE INFO* to learn more about my nutrition packages or check my 🔗 in bio for more information about pricing & what’s included in everything offered! Can’t wait to help you on your health journey! #bloodsugarbalance #hormonebalance #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #highproteindiet #903050 #dietitiantips #903050method #bloodsugarimbalance #insulinresistance #highprotein #mealplan #mealplanning #weightlossgoals #hormoneimbalance #signsofhormonalimbalance ♬ original sound - N3RD